BLWS24 | Anaheim Automation, Inc.


The BLWS24 Series Brushless DC Motors come in a compact package with high power density. These motors are cost-effective solutions to many velocity control applications. The motors come in a standard 8-lead configuration. We can also customize the windings to perfectly match your voltage, current, and maximum operating speed. Special shaft modifications, cables and connectors are also available upon request. *These motors are available in both single and dual shaft options.

  • 57mm Round Frame, 60mm Square Flange
  • Power: 57 Watts
  • Voltage: 24VDC
  • Torque: 34 oz-in
Note: The 8th character "S" denotes a single shaft, use "D" for double shaft. Custom leadwires, cables, connectors, and windings are available upon request.