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Rated Voltage (V) 24
Rated Power (Watts) 40
Rated Torque (oz-in) 13.5
Rated Speed (RPM) 4000
Torque Constant (oz-in/A) 6.3
Back EMF Voltage (V/kRPM) 4.05
Line-to-Line Resistance (ohm) 1.2
Line To Line Inductance (mH) 1
Rotor Inertia (oz-in-sec2) 0.0003400
L Length (mm) 51
Shaft Single
Weight (lbs) 1.05
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Product Information

The BLAW17 Brushless Ball Screw Linear Actuators are a unique motor with a Ball Screw attached to the lead screw. The BLAW17 Series come in a compact package with a 6" screw extended from the motor. This motor comes in a standard 8-lead wire configuration. These Brushless Ball Screw Linear Actuators are designed to be the most versatile linear positioning motors on the market. These external linear actuators are robust and can be easily configured to solve some of the most difficult application problems. Integration of a lead screw with a motor saves space, eliminates components, and reduces cost. While many standard configurations are available, custom modifications for OEM customers are welcome.

  • 42mm Frame Size
  • Brushless DC Motor
  • External Linear with Ball Screw
  • 6" Screw Length
  • 24VDC
  • 2mm Travel Per Revolution
  • Rated Speed 4000 RPM

Spec Sheet (PDF)

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