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Rated Power (W) 3.8
Rated Voltage (V) 12
Rated Current (A) 0.6
Rated Motor Speed (rpm) 4800
Rated Torque (oz-in) 1.13
Peak Torque (oz-in) 3.39
Line-to-Line Resistance (ohms) 5.25
Line To Line Inductance (mH) 1.6
Motor Back EMF Voltage (V/kRPM) 1.15
Torque Constant (oz-in/A) 1.95
Rotor Inertia (oz-in-sec2) 9.3 x 10 -6
Motor Weight (lbs) 0.28
L2 Motor Length (mm) 45
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The BLWRPG09 Series is a cost effective Brushless DC gearmotor. These motors are designed keeping the OEM in mind, using state of the art design parameters and low cost manufacturing. This allows Anaheim Automation to offer these quality motors at exceptional prices. This gearmotor includes a planetary gearbox and a brushless DC motor in a compact fully integrated package. The DC gearmotor is a perfect solution for applications requiring high torque or speeds under 500 RPM. The star wound motor comes with integrated hall sensors for closed loop control for velocity applications. If the off-the-shelf gearmotors do no match your application, a motor can be wound or a gearbox can be selected to meet your specific requirements. Anaheim Automation specializes in providing both off the shelf and custom solutions to handle any demanding application.

  • NEMA 09 Size
  • Long Life - Over 3,000 Hour Operation
  • Cost Effective Replacement For Brush DC Motors
  • Backlash Less than 3°
  • Can be Customized for
    • Operating Voltage
    • Rated Speed
    • Cables and Connectors
  • CE Certified, and RoHS Compliant
Output Shaft of Gearbox
Gear RatioExact Gear RatioPeak Torque (oz-in)Number of Gear Trains"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)Gearbox Weight (lbs)Rated Torque (oz-in)Efficiency (%)
Gear RatioR3.7Exact Gear Ratio3.71Peak Torque (oz-in)41.6Number of Gear Trains1"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)24.4Gearbox Weight (lbs).08Rated Torque (oz-in)14Efficiency (%)90
Gear RatioR5.2Exact Gear Ratio5.18Peak Torque (oz-in)41.6Number of Gear Trains1"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)24.4Gearbox Weight (lbs).08Rated Torque (oz-in)14Efficiency (%)90
Gear RatioR14Exact Gear Ratio13.76Peak Torque (oz-in)83.2Number of Gear Trains2"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)34.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).10Rated Torque (oz-in)28Efficiency (%)81
Gear RatioR19Exact Gear Ratio19.22Peak Torque (oz-in)83.2Number of Gear Trains2"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)34.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).10Rated Torque (oz-in)28Efficiency (%)81
Gear RatioR27Exact Gear Ratio26.83Peak Torque (oz-in)83.2Number of Gear Trains2"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)34.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).10Rated Torque (oz-in)28Efficiency (%)81
Gear RatioR51Exact Gear Ratio51.06Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR71Exact Gear Ratio71.30Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR100Exact Gear Ratio99.55Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR139Exact Gear Ratio138.99Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR189Exact Gear Ratio189.45Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR264Exact Gear Ratio264.52Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR369Exact Gear Ratio369.32Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR516Exact Gear Ratio515.64Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR720Exact Gear Ratio719.98Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Output Shaft of Gearbox
Gear RatioExact Gear RatioPeak Torque (oz-in)Number of Gear Trains"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)Gearbox Weight (lbs)Rated Torque (oz-in)Efficiency (%)
Gear RatioR3.7Exact Gear Ratio3.71Peak Torque (oz-in)41.6Number of Gear Trains1"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)24.4Gearbox Weight (lbs).08Rated Torque (oz-in)14Efficiency (%)90
Gear RatioR5.2Exact Gear Ratio5.18Peak Torque (oz-in)41.6Number of Gear Trains1"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)24.4Gearbox Weight (lbs).08Rated Torque (oz-in)14Efficiency (%)90
Gear RatioR14Exact Gear Ratio13.76Peak Torque (oz-in)83.2Number of Gear Trains2"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)34.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).10Rated Torque (oz-in)28Efficiency (%)81
Gear RatioR19Exact Gear Ratio19.22Peak Torque (oz-in)83.2Number of Gear Trains2"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)34.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).10Rated Torque (oz-in)28Efficiency (%)81
Gear RatioR27Exact Gear Ratio26.83Peak Torque (oz-in)83.2Number of Gear Trains2"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)34.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).10Rated Torque (oz-in)28Efficiency (%)81
Gear RatioR51Exact Gear Ratio51.06Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR71Exact Gear Ratio71.30Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR100Exact Gear Ratio99.55Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR139Exact Gear Ratio138.99Peak Torque (oz-in)208.2Number of Gear Trains3"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)41.5Gearbox Weight (lbs).12Rated Torque (oz-in)69Efficiency (%)73
Gear RatioR189Exact Gear Ratio189.45Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR264Exact Gear Ratio264.52Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR369Exact Gear Ratio369.32Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR516Exact Gear Ratio515.64Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66
Gear RatioR720Exact Gear Ratio719.98Peak Torque (oz-in)416.3Number of Gear Trains4"L1" (Length of Gearbox in mm)49.8Gearbox Weight (lbs).14Rated Torque (oz-in)139Efficiency (%)66


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CE Compliant

RoHS Compliant

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