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Rated Voltage (V) 48
Rated Power (Watts) 470
Rated Torque (oz-in) 198.6
Rated Speed (RPM) 3200
Torque Constant (oz-in/A) 17
Line-to-Line Resistance (ohm) 0.18
Line-to-Line Inductance (mH) 0.6
Rotor Inertia (oz-in-sec2) 0.0226
Weight (lbs) 5.73
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Product Information

The powerful BLY6534 Series are NEMA 34 Brushless DC Motors that IP65 rated which meet the splash-proof requirements for most applications. The sealed shafts further protect the motor, which in turn provides for longer life cycles. These square-bodied motors have a square-mounting flange, making them easy to install. The popular BLY6534 series motors are available with 198.6 ounce-inches of torque, and offer a conduit box as standard. Customization to perfectly match a specific voltage, current, and maximum operating speed, as well as special shaft modifications, cables and connectors, is available.

  • NEMA Size 34 BLDC Motors
  • IP65 Rating, Sealed Shaft
  • Complete Protection from Dust Particles
  • Can be Subjected to Moist or Humid Environments
  • Compact Size and Power Density
  • Cost-Effective Solution
  • Long Life and Highly Reliable
  • Affordable Replacement For Brush DC Motors
  • Can be Customized for
    • Maximum Speed
    • Winding Current
    • Shaft Options
    • Cables and Connectors
  • CE Certified and RoHS Compliant

.STEP File (.RAR File)

Spec Sheet (PDF)

CE Certified

RoHS Compliant

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