Stepper Motor Control

Stepper Motor Control | Anaheim Automation, Inc.


Anaheim Automation's Stepper Motor Controller ICs empower original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to develop robust Stepper Controllers with the capability to command multiple Stepper Motors concurrently.

  • 32 Microstepping Phase Controls
  • Nominal Clock Frequency: 8MHz
  • Maximum Stepping Rate: Over 30k Per Second
  • Programmable Inter-Step Blanking Delays: 1.25us, 2.5us, 3.75us and 5us at 8Mhz
  • H-Bridge PWM Resolution: 0.39%

Featured Series

  • Stepper Motor Control Chip
  • Controls Bipolar and Unipolar Motors
  • Full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 Step Mode Selected with 3 Mode Inputs
  • Direction and Current Control
  • 8-bit PWM Resolution
  • All Inputs and Outputs TTL/CMOS Compatible
  • 3V to 5.5V Operation (Vdd - Vss)
  • RoHS Compliant

These ICs are offered in three package types: PDIP, SOIC, and TSSOP. They provide a variety of step modes, selectable through three mode inputs, including full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32. The ICs support peak current feedback control using pulse width modulation chopping, applicable in both full-step and half-step modes. Control over the 8-bit PWM resolution and the refresh rate (typically 31.25kHz) is achieved through an internal oscillator, which can be controlled by a crystal or an external input clock. The PWM chopper circuit for current control consists of a voltage comparator, flip-flop, and external sense resistor.

Note: Items in this series have a Minimum Purchase Requirement of 10 pieces, regardless of stock.