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Rated Torque (oz-in) 1416
Rated Power (Watts) 2000
Rated Speed (RPM) 2000
Max Speed (rpm) 2900
Rated Current (Arms) 8.5
Voltage 220 VAC
Brake No
Inertia (oz-in-sec2) 0.25065
Torque Constant KT (oz-in/A) 1.24
Resistance (ohms) 0.93
Inductance (mH) 8.8
Length (mm) 179
Weight (lbs) 20.06
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Product Information

The KNC-SRV-SMC130D-0200-20AAK-4LKP Servo Motor is a low-cost solution for many motion control applications requiring a low inertia design to maximize torque at high speeds. These 130mm frame motors boast peak torque values up to 3,540 oz-in, provide excellent dynamic response, and allow for 3 times the overload capacity. They come equipped with a 2,500 PPR Incremental Encoder.

  • 220VAC Servo Motor
  • 2000W Power Rating
  • Rated Torque of 1416 oz-in
  • Maximum Speed of 2900 RPM
  • 2500PPR Incremental Encoder
  • IP65 Body, IP54 Shaft Seal
  • CE Certified

Spec Sheet (PDF)

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